Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wedding Scrapbook photos

I was asked to make a wedding scrapbook for a friend and wanted to share the photos I took of it. Hope you enjoy!  The bride will be able to add the photos of her choice and will know the size they need to be printed at to fit on the pages. I hope she likes it! I had great fun making it. 

My first altered cigar box

I have a friend whose daughter is being married this summer. So as a bridal shower gift I made her an altered cigar box and filled it with greeting cards. The idea was that it is a place for her to store stamps and cards and know where they are when she needs them. It's my little way of encouraging the next generation to continue writing and sending cards to friends and loved ones. Let me know what you think!

It was great fun and I have several more boxes so they will be altered also and for sale in my ETSY store soon.